Empowering Innovation with Cutting-Edge AI Solutions

Leveraging the Power of AI

AI Strategy Consulting

Our seasoned consultants guide you through every step of your AI transformation journey, from assessing readiness and identifying opportunities to crafting a comprehensive AI strategy aligned with your business objectives.

Custom AI Solutions

Our team of AI experts develops bespoke solutions tailored to your unique requirements and goals, whether you're looking to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, or unlock new revenue streams.

Implementation & Integration

We ensure smooth implementation and integration of AI technologies into your existing systems and workflows, minimizing disruption and maximizing impact through meticulous planning and seamless execution.

Continuous Optimization

Our commitment doesn't end with deployment. We provide ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and optimization to ensure that your AI initiatives deliver sustained value and stay ahead of the curve.

Tour Through Our Most Recent Work

Over 50 projects successfully launched – we're the AI experts you need!

OHIF Viewer  - LungRadCad & BrainRadCad

Theta tech is building a system that allows users to upload scans, review scans, applying AI triggers to identify possible tumor regions and providing similar looking regions across the patients scans to predict the possibility of brain or lung cancer

Heart Disease Prediction

AI model based on deep learning for the classification and screening of heart disease.

Research Funding
Ed Tech


Freemind's AI-driven tools automatically generate compelling biosketches by analyzing work and publications, showcasing qualifications and enhancing the appeal of significant contributors for funding opportunities.

Social Studio

Expedite and improve your content creation and design skills with the personal AI Assistant from Social Studio.



NFT-Investor's prediction tool that generates powerful BUY and SELL signals powered by AI-driven evaluation and prediction models.

Unlock AI Potential:
Free Month Consultation

Are you prepared to catapult your business into the future with the game-changing power of artificial intelligence?